Our clients made the choice to make a change. Here’s what they had to say:
“Creative Change addresses — in a concrete and substantive way — the pressing question, How do we engage students and teachers in meaningful work? This isn’t a canned program that is imposed on teachers. Teachers are expected to actively draw from their own knowledge and skill base to work with the materials to create something that is workable in their particular context. This approach shows a respect for teachers as knowledgeable and skilled professionals who can create amazing opportunities for students when they have access to quality materials and professional development.”
Dr. Shari Saunders“Usually we just find the right answer in a book. For this, we had to think.”
“Your input and support has already improved my course exponentially! THANKS!!”
Dr. Michael Jabot“Creative Change’s ability to create meaningful and effective curriculum that guides students as they conduct research, formulate ideas, and articulate a vision for sustainable community redevelopment places the organization in a class by themselves.”
Daniel SomervilleThis is just what we need in our schools— (curriculum) integrated across many disciplines and tied together around fundamental issues of fairness, communities, and sustainability.
Elementary TeacherOne Teacher’s Experience with CCES in the Classroom
Ypsilanti Community Schools (YCS) educators were concerned about low achievement and increasing racial and socioeconomic segregation. Rather than narrow their curriculum and focus only on test preparation, they turned to CCES.
Working with Creative Change, the district worked to enhance its middle school curriculum by integrating diversity and racial equity into the interdisciplinary humanities course (U.S. History and Language Arts). This video highlights one of the dedicated and enthusiastic educators who helped bring history and language arts to life in the classroom — and turned YCS achievement trends around.
“I am in awe and extremely grateful for the amazing collaborative instructional work, classroom learning, and community building that was developed and nurtured through our partnership and your leadership.”
Middle School Administrator