We help schools rise to greatness.
What do you do if you’re a teacher and everything you’re passionate about is largely absent from the curriculum?
This is the dilemma I faced more than 20 years ago when I was teaching in the public schools. I was immersing myself in learning about global issues such as hunger and human rights, and desperately searching for a way to bring these issues into education. I envisioned classrooms as places where students learned to solve the problems affecting their futures and communities. To bring this about, I founded Creative Change in 2002 built on the values of equity, democratic education, sustainability, and research-based practices. Since then, our mission has been to help educators with curriculum transformation for better schools, more impassioned teachers, and fully engaged students.
Since our founding, we’ve developed strategic partnerships with schools, universities and nongovernmental organizations ranging from Big Ten universities to the United Nations. Our work has reached 5,000 educators of educators and many more thousands of their students. Evaluations show consistently positive impacts on student learning and teacher effectiveness, and our work receives national recognition through conference presentations, speaking engagements, and publications.
In 2018, our mission to transform education leapt to a new platform when Founder and Executive Director Susan Santone released Reframing the Curriculum: Design for Social Justice and Sustainability. The book, co-published by Routledge and Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), pulls together 20+ years of the approaches that have made Creative Change so impactful. To further expand the reach, KDP is offering webinars and online courses on sustainability and social justice developed in partnership with Susan.
The book and online programming represent a turning point for both Creative Change and Susan. By bringing our work to a much wider audience, these new platforms carry out our mission more efficiently. Creative Change has thus ceased formal activity, and Susan is now pursuing related and new opportunities under her own name at www.susansantone.com. She invites you to contact her to explore new possibilities.
We extend a tremendous thank-you to the teachers, students, and community partners we have had the honor to collaborate with over the years.
Susan Santone
Founder and Executive Director