by Susan Santone | Mar 12, 2017 | News, Teacher Education, University of Michigan
While the term ‘summer school’ may not invoke a pleasant image, students in a forthcoming class on educational reform may feel otherwise. The University of Michigan, with a history of tapping the leaders and best to help create the next generation of the...
by Susan Santone | Mar 1, 2017 | Kids, News, Sustainability, Teacher Education
Creative Change Advising on National Science Foundation and PBS Collaborative Stories aren’t just for bedtime and campfires — they can be the door to teaching and learning. It’s a concept that our team at Creative Change has embraced as a core teaching and...
by Susan Santone | Nov 14, 2016 | Curriculum, Diversity, News, Teacher Education
Just three days after the presidential election, with raw nerves and a lingering feeling of aftershock, I gave a presentation at the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) national conference in Cleveland. My presentation partner, Dr. Shari Saunders...
by Susan Santone | Aug 9, 2016 | critical thinking, Teacher Education
Back to school: It’s a terrific time to soak up new ideas. Our recent guest blogs for Getting Smart, the Green Schools National Network and Corwin offer inspiration for the upcoming year. Teachers are seeking strategies to support a ‘Growth...
by Susan Santone | Jun 27, 2016 | Teacher Education
Sandy Hook. Charleston. Columbine. Orlando. With each tragedy, we mourn, then wring our hands. How and why did this happen . . . again? Inevitably, the discussion focuses on access to guns. But there’s another, far more dangerous weapon at play: hatred born of...
by Susan Santone | Apr 11, 2016 | 21st Century Learning, Curriculum, Economics, Teacher Education
Crime is good. So are accidents, lawsuits, illness and divorce. Sound crazy? This is the logic of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—and the message kids are getting from most economics curriculum. The GDP is the total market value of goods and services produced and...
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