by creativechange02 | Nov 19, 2015 | 21st Century Learning
Is your educational technology doing what it needs to do? This New York Times opinion piece by Susan Pinker wisely questions the role of educational technology in improving achievement. Turns out computers and gadgets are not always the panacea they are touted to be....
by creativechange02 | Apr 6, 2015 | 21st Century Learning
Transforming our educational system requires a keen analysis of the elements of the current system, including curriculum, teacher preparation, classroom practices, and assessment. Educators must also examine the mindsets and assumptions that drive our practice. This...
by creativechange02 | Mar 27, 2015 | 21st Century Learning
Update from our work in Oberlin, OH: First grade students are learning about forms of energy, and then tracking energy consumption at the school using a real-time environmental monitoring display at the school. Thanks so much to the teachers for their work on this! Be...
by creativechange02 | Mar 20, 2015 | 21st Century Learning
In a world facing enormous environmental and social challenges, what does it mean to be “educated”, and what measures will we use to gauge this? This was the question Executive Director Susan Santone posed to an international group of educators at the recent Institute...
by creativechange02 | Mar 20, 2015 | 21st Century Learning
STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) is a hot area in K12 education . Schools all over the country are introducing STEM courses, curriculum and programs. Here in the Detroit region, these programs often emphasize cars and manufacturing. Such...
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